
Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Christchurch Earthquakes

 Hello fellow viewers! 

today I will show you guys what I have been working on for hurumanu 1! 

We researched, watched videos, and read articles of the Christchurch Earthquakes, I think I was there during that time but i'm not sure. There was a few questions but I put a lot of work and words into it so I hope you enjoy!

There were 2 questions in this slide the first one was How Has The Earthquakes Had a impact on our city the 2nd one was What Positive Or Negatives have come from the Christchurch earthquakes? 

I had to do some research on this one but it payed out!

This was about how I saw people suffer because of what they worked for. 

Here's the link for the slide if you want more, thank you and have a good day bye!

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