
Thursday, December 9, 2021

Making Honeycomb/dalgona


I want to find out how to make honeycomb. 


Funny Hokey Pokey Video 

How to make Hokey Pokey/Honeycomb  

 Squid Game Version


  • Sugar 5 tsp 
  • Syrup 2 tsp
  • a pinch of baking soda 
  • Bunsen Burner equipment 
  • Spatula 
  • Baking paper 
  1. Get your equipment.
  2. Wash your hands.
  3. Add the sugar and syrup to your pot.
  4. Set up your Bunsen Burner.
  5. use a blue flame to melt then boil the sugar. 
  6. turn off the gas.
  7. Add a pinch of baking soda then mix with a spatula. 
  8. tip the honeycomb on the baking paper. 
  9. Clean up your mess/equipment. 

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Making Ginger Beer

I want to find out how to brew ginger beer.



  • Plastic cup
  • Marker 
  • Powdered ginger 
  • Water
  • Sugar
  • Spoon
  • Lemon juice
  • Yeast

  1. Get your equipment.
  2. Write your name with a marker on the plastic cup.
  3. Put half a teaspoon of powdered ginger in the cup. 
  4. Pour half a cup of water inside the cup.
  5. Add one tablespoon of sugar into the cup. 
  6. if all of the sugar is at the bottom of your cup, start mixing your mixture with a spoon. 
  7. Add 5 drops of lemon juice into the cup. 
  8. Taste your mixture. If it tastes a bit weird adjust the flavour by adding other ingredients. 
  9. add one quarter of a teaspoon of yeast. 
  10. let it brew for 1 week. 


After 5 days we tried our "ginger beer" mine smelled like puke mixed in with yeast, I didn't taste mine because I didn't know what it would do to me. 


What is Fermentation 
Yeast is a living thing, it eats glucose, breathes out CO2 and excretes Alcohol. This process is called Respiration. 

What is the best condition for brewing? 
The best condition for brewing alcohol is in a warm temperature. 

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Healthy Diet.

 Hello everyone! 

In Health we've been learning how to eat healthy and how to look out for our bodies during puberty. 

Rheanne and I worked on a slide on a healthy menu for a week and we added some healthy meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. My favourite meal on the menu would probably the smoothie bowl because it had a lot of healthy stuff and fruits as well. 

Protein, Carbs, Vegetables, fruits, grains, dairy, fat, etc. are very important for every meal in order to become healthy. 

Here is my work: 

Thank you for viewing my blog! Have a nice day/night ciao. 

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Myths and Legends Activities

Hello everyone, 

Today I have finished off some of my reading work based off Maori Myths and Legends. The work i'm most proud of is this activity that lets you invent a machine that could help Maui pull the sun. 

My work: 

We had to make up an invention to help Maui and his brothers pull the sun, in the poster/picture it tells you how it works and the mechanics of it. 

I liked the layout of the machine I invented but I should have drew it on paper to add more details and describe the machine more. 

Thank you for reading, Have a nice day/night ciao! 

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Maori Myths and Legends - Hur1

 Hello everyone. 

In Hurumanu 1/reading I have been working on some slides about the Maori legend "How Maui Slowed the Sun". We had to read the story and answer the questions in full sentences. 

Here is my work so far: 



Thank you for viewing my blog! have a nice day/night ciao. 


Friday, November 5, 2021

Making Sherbet (Science)

I want to know how to make Sherbet. 



  • Citric Acid
  • Raro (Raspberry?) 
  • Baking Soda 
  • Paper
  • Plastic cup
  • wooden Popsicle stick  
  1. First get your equipment.
  2. Pour your Citric Acid, Raro and Baking Powder on the piece of paper separated. 
  3. Get your cup and Popsicle stick and scoop SOME of the ingredients with your stick and taste.
  4. If the flavour isn't right, scoop a little more until your satisfied with the taste. 
  5. Bring home and enjoy.  
it was really sour even if I added a little citric acid. But overall it tasted okay. When I added water to the leftover ingredients it started to fizz up and it got bubbly, some of the fizzed up ingredients got in my open wound and it stung a lot. 


Why did it foam? - when baking soda touches a liquid the gas (carbon dioxide) creates bubbles that are surrounded by the liquid that create foam.  

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Blind Taste testing


I want to find out if food tastes differently when you cant see or cant smell. 


Blind Taste and smell (science) 

Funny eating 

Science of taste. 


  • Blind fold
  • Mystery food
  1. Get your equipment. 
  2. wash your hands.
  3. Put your blindfold on.
  4. Take your hand out and pinch/cover your nose.
  5. Once the food is placed on your hand, eat your food and guess what it is. 
  6. Release your food and taste the food. 
  7. Where the does the food react on your tongue.

Gymnastics - Takaporepore

 Hello everyone

During gymnastics we've been learning how to do different gymnastic activities and more. 

I've learnt how to do a side mount on the beam, a small swing on the parallel bars, and a cat leap on the beam. (highlighted in light green)

I already knew how to jump over a cone on the beam, blind walk on the beam and the lower arm walk. (highlighted in brown) 

At first I didn't like gymnastics but now I like to help my friends at the activities and to try some of the activities myself. 

Gymnastics Takaporepore

Thank you for viewing my blog, have a nice day/night ciao! 

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Uncle Don Knows Heaps of Wacky Stuff - The Kiwi (Flora & Fauna)

Hello Everyone! 

This is our last week on Flora and Fauna and our work was about this really interesting book called "Uncle Don Knows Heaps of Wacky Stuff, there was heaps of information about flora and fauna. 

Here is my work: 

Thank you for reading my blog! Have a nice day/night ciao! <3 

Hot Chilli


I want to find out the best way to cool down your tongue after eating hot chilli


  • Hot chilli sauce
  • Popsicle sticks
  • Drinks - soda, water, milk
  • Timer
  1. Get your equipment ready. 
  2. Get a drop of hot sauce on your Popsicle stick. 
  3. Lick the hot chilli sauce. 
  4. Start the timer.
  5. After 2 minutes drink your drink.
  6. After 5 mins, how hot is your mouth?
  7. Repeat the experiment but with a different drink. 
I didn't do the experiment because I don't like sauces, I typed up peoples opinions in results. 

The first chilli was okay, we did it without any drinks and I am scoring it a 7 for burning
The second chilli was hotter than the first one, I rated it a 8.5 but after drinking water 
The third chilli wasn't that bad, I rated it a 4 after drinking coke it didn't really effect anything. 
The last one was not that bad since I got used to it i rated it a 2, but after drinking milk the chilli settled down. 


Why does chilli burn your mouth? 
When you eat the chilli, capsaicin goes into your saliva and sticks on to the TRPV1 receptors (a protein in the human gene which has many variations), after this it triggers the receptors and sends off a signal to your brain which makes it think that your mouth is burning. 

Why does milk reduce the burn? 

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Henri Rousseau

 Hello Everyone! 

During art we have been learning about this French Artist named Henri Rousseau, we watched a video about him and his journey as an Artist. Here is my work:

Most of his paintings were about nature but weren't really famous until the end of his time. 
Here is one of his famous paintings: (The Dream 1910)

Thank you for viewing! have a nice day/night ciao <3 

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Uncle Don Knows Heaps of Stuff - 12-16 (Eels)

 Hello everyone! 

During Hur3 we have been reading this book called Uncle Don Knows Heaps of Stuff!

Pages 12-16 I've been researching about Eels and their species, our task is to create a D.L.O talking about the information that they gave based on the article. 

Here is the link 


Thank you for reading this post, I hope you have learned something new. Bye!

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Drama - Maui and The Fish Tableaus

 Hello everyone! 

during drama we made 3 tableaus from the story Maui and The fish. Tableaus are motionless actions (freeze frames) that represent a scene, for our tableaus we needed the first middle and end of the story. 

Our group decided for our first scene we were gonna do the hut scene in the story (the 4 brothers talking behind Maui's back). for the middle scene we did Maui leading the boat scene and for our last scene we made the scene when Maui caught the huge stingray and his brothers dug up the fish and made it all rugged. 

Scene One 

Scene Two 

Scene Three 

For scene one we used great height and levels, for scene two we used emotions and different levels and for scene three we used physicality and different levels as well! 

My favourite Drama game overall was when we had to say our name when we passed the ball to someone without dropping it. 

I hate being in photos but I had to have my face in them because of insecurities but thank you for viewing my blog have a good day/night ciao! <3 


Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Wetland Creatures NZ (Flora And Fauna)

 Hello everyone. 

during Hurumanu 1, our class have been working on some DLO's from the text "Uncle Don Knows Heaps of Wacky Stuff" I made a poster on Canva about wetland creatures "Black Gilled-gull" and the "Blue Duck/Whio" I wrote some facts about them and unique features. 

Thank you for reading this! Have a good day/night ciao! <3 

Friday, September 3, 2021

New Zealand Landmarks/Tourism

 Hello Everyone.

During Wanaga we have been we have been working on some slides on New Zealand tourism. We were assigned to pick 5 famous places in New Zealand and make a couple slides on them. I picked Queenstown, Auckland, Wellington, Rotorua and Dunedin.

Here is my presentation: 

Thank you for reading this. Have a good day/night ciao <3 

Monday, August 16, 2021

Naomi Osaka

 Hello everyone. 

During Hurumanu 1 I have been working on a slide that talks about a famous Olympian, I picked Naomi Osaka because shes the most highest paid female athlete in the world. The slide is about their family, sport, past, achievements and more. 

Thank you! and have a good day/night ciao. 

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Define 4 types of Performing Arts

 Hello everyone.

Throughout drama this term we have been doing performing arts (mostly clowning) and now we have to define four types of performing arts. 


Clowning is basically kind of like miming but with colourful clown outfits, props and more. You behave in a playful, foolish way 


It consists of different movements that is either made up or from a culture, video or performance. there are different varieties of dance like: Hip-hop, Jazz, Tap dance, Folk dance, Ballet or more. 


Music performing arts is a form of art that merges rhythm, pitch, and dynamic. It can also be produced with instruments and genres like: Hip-hop, Jazz, K-pop, rock, folk, country, oldies, etc. 

Musical theatre 

Musical theatre involves acting to different music genres, singing, lip syncing, and spoken dialogue. 

Thank you for reading! have a good day or night ciao! 

Friday, July 9, 2021

Mentos And Coke


I want to find out what happens when you drop mentos into coke. 


Normal Video:


Bigger version of the experiment




  • Coke No Sugar 
  • Sprite 
  • Mint Mentos 
  • Detergent 
  • Beakers
  • Safety Glasses 
  • Measuring Cylinders 


  1. Get your equipment 
  2. Put on your safety glasses 
  3. pour 30 mls of coke into a measuring cylinder 
  4. measure 10 mls of detergent into a mine measuring cylinder 
  5. drop a a mentos into the detergent and coke 
  6. Repeat it again with the no sugr coke and sprite. 
  7. record, observe, watch what happens. 


CokeCoke-No SugarSprite
Height of Bubble45mL69mL50mL

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Skittle Colours

 Hello everyone, today in science we are doing a experiment with skittles and water! 

Aim: I want to find out what happens when you put skittles in water 



  • 8x Skittles 
  • Warm water 
  • Petri dish 
  • beaker
  • paper towel 
  1. Get your equipment
  2. take your 8 skittles and place them in a circle in your Petri dish (spread the skittles out)
  3. clean your beaker 
  4. put water in your clean beaker then pour the warm water gently in the middle of your Petri dish halfway.
  5.  Observe what happens. 


What happened:
I poured the warm water onto the dish, I watched the skittles the bottom started to fade and slowly moved into the middle of the Petri dish. the colours did NOT mix. 

Thank you for reading this I hope you have a good day or night ciao! <3 

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Shaping up (hurumanu 3)

 Hello everyone, It is almost the end of term 2 and our class has to make a summary of Shaping Up (Hur3).

This term for Hurumanu 3 we have been doing lots of things including: geometry, polygons, lines, angles, rotation, reflection, rotation, nets, scales and maps!

Lines and Angles 

We had to identify the different types of lines and angles and the names of them, for example one of the lines were called parallel lines which were 2 lines with the same length and angle and have the same distance apart.

Reflection, Rotation and Translation 

 on this one we had to do a couple of activities, for reflection we had to go on this site called Maths is Fun and learn what reflection was then once we read all of the information from the site there was 10 question about reflection we had to answer then we had to draw reflected shapes. After completing all of the activities on reflection we had to carry on with the other ones: Rotation and Translation (they were the same as the reflection activities). 

My favourite one was Maps! we had to learn where things were on a grid and find out what was the name and many more things. Term 2 was by far the best term so far! (even though it went by so fast) 

Thank you for reading this have a good day or night goodbye <3

Friday, July 2, 2021

Milk Plastic

Hello everyone, today in science we are trying to make milk plastic!

Aim: I want to find out how to turn milk into plastic.

Science Buddies - Turn Milk Into Plastic



  • Milk 
  • pot or a microwavable container 
  • white vinegar
  • paper towels 
  • Beakers 200ml 
  • spoon 
  • Mug
  • Bunsen Burner 
  • stirring rod 
  • filter 
  • funnel
  • heat mat
  • gauze mat
  • tripod 
  • measuring cylinder 
  1. pour 200 mls of water into the beaker 
  2. add milk powder into the beaker
  3. Heat the milk over the Bunsen burner until its hot (remember to close the air hole) 
  4. Add 20 mls of white vinegar into the measuring cylinder 
  5. pour the vinegar onto the hot milk 
  6. stir the mixture with a stirring rod 
  7. Stack 4 layers of paper towels on a dry surface. 
  8. use the funnel and another paper towel to filter the curds
  9. fold the paper towels over the curds to squeeze out the excess liquid. 
  10. kneed the curds together to form a ball. 
  11. decorate, colour, shape the dough as you like. 

Monday, June 21, 2021

How to be Normal

 Hello everyone, today in Hurumanu 1 (outstanders) I was working on the reading activities my teacher assigned for us, the story is How to be Normal. 

How to be Normal Activities 

  1. Who banged into Charley? - Micheala banged into Charley. 

  1. “Charleys at… more relaxed”. What is the main message/purpose of this paragraph? How does the author create this mood? What does it teach us about Charley? - it shows that Charley prefers to go inside the library then going outside. 

  1. What impression does the author want to give you about Charley? How do you know? - Charley is more of an introvert than an extrovert (she likes to be alone). 

  1. Why is Charley angry at Amy? Do you think that she is right to be angry?  Why/why not? - Charley didnt have to be mean to Amy, in my point of view i wouldve just said thank you, Amy was just trying to help Charley. 

  1. Find a range of words and phrases to show how Charley is feeling throughout the story. 

  • Outcast - getting rejected out of a group

  • Introvert - prefers to be alone rather than socializing.

  • Lonely - feeling friendless/alone 

Exploring Language

What do these words mean? Find a definition for each one and use it in a sentence.

  1. Screeches - to cry out loud in pain 

  2. Apologise - to say sorry about something you regret doing. 

  3. Intently - to do something attentively/eagerly 

You hear screeches from the house beside you, you decide to knock on their door and see what's happening, the owner opens the door and explains why there was screeching and they apoligise intently.

Write 3 sentences about the story using these words: 

  1. They’re 

  2. There 

  3. Their 

There - there was a girl named Charley who didnt wanna go outside and play with others she would get picked on.

Their - The class is opening their books to the page Mr Bennett wrote on the whiteboard. 

They’re - When she gets nearer to the classroom, she sees the door’s shut and walks quicker. Now she can see through the windows and they’re all at their desks. 

There - Everyone looks at Charley as she makes her way to her desk, she has to weave her way there. 

Adjectives in order. 

  • Best

  • Better 

  • Chewed-up 

  • Closed 

  • Long 

  • Old 

  • Quiet 

  • Relaxed

  • Weird 

  • Worst 

Why do you think we gave you this article to read as a part of Outstanders Hurumanu? Write a paragraph explaining your ideas and giving evidence from the story. 

I think the reason why this was one of the articles was because it was a part of the Outstanders hurumanu and the article is kind of relating to not being a bystander but being a Outsander. 

Thank you for reading this! have a good day or night ciao!

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Edible Slime

Hello everyone. Today in science we are making edible slime! 


I want to find Edible Slime without getting poisoned.


- Gummy bears
- Icing sugar 
- Bowl 
- spoon 
- paper 

1. Get 1 packet of gummy bears.
3. Open the packet then put the gummys in the paper cup 
2. Microwave the gummy bears for 15 seconds 
3. Mix it with a spoon 
4. add some icing sugar (if its still sticky add more icing sugar)
5. put some more icing sugar onto a piece of paper then place the mixture onto the paper.
6. Knead it until it becomes slime.  

Thanks for viewing this blog have a good day or night bye <3

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Gummy Bear Osmosis

hello everyone! in science we are putting gummy bears in different liquids to see what happens and what the taste is like, the liquids were: normal water, sugar water (sucrose), salt water and for the forth one we didn't put any liquids. 

I want to find out what happens when gummy bears are put in liquids 



  • Safety glasses 
  • Sodium Chloride (Salt water) 
  • H2o (water)
  • Sucrose (Sugar Water) 
  • Gummy Bears 
  • 2x Petri Dishes 
  • Marker 
  • Electronic Scales 

  1. Get your equipment 
  2. Wear safety glasses 
  3. With a marker write your name and the conditions and the weight of the gummy bear on the lid 
  4. Do the experiment. 
Dry GummySugar GummyWater GummySalty Gummy
Initial Weight(g)2.22g2.29g2.26g2.46g
Final Weight (g)2.23g4.30g7.44g3.91g
Differencegain 0.01ggain 2.01g5.18g1.45g

The water gummy gained the most weight.
Why? comparing sugar, salt and water molecules, water is the most smallest. Gummy bears have in fact tiny holes in them so the tiny water molecules can enter more than the sugar and salt molecules because of how big they are. 

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Motivational poster

 Hello everyone! During wanaga we have been working on a resilience board, each time we have Wanaga we choose something from the board. This time i choose to make a motivational poster and put a quote on it. I made the design retro to match with the quote.

Thank you for reading this blog! I hope you enjoyed, have a good day or night ciao! <3

Monday, May 31, 2021

Safety in the Lab

Safety in the Lab

Activity 1. 

1. Liquids do not go into the bins, because the liquid could spill out and it smells.

2. Solids do not go down the sink because It could clog the sink. 

3. Wear safety glasses when you do experiments, so chemicals, fire, glass etc. don't get into your eyes. 

4. Put your chair under the desk, and stand at the bench when you do experiments, because you could trip while holding a chemical

5. Bags do not go on the desks, something could spill in your bag. 

6. Long hair should be tied back, so it doesn't get caught in anything.

7. Do not smell the chemicals, because you could faint. 

8. Walk, don’t run around the room, because you can hurt yourself. 

9. Do not eat or drink in the lab, because you could poison yourself. 

Friday, May 28, 2021

Lighting a Bunsen Burner

 Hello everyone! Today in science we are learning how to light a Bunsen burner. 


I want to find out how to light a Bunsen burner safely. 



  • Heat mat
  • Bunsen burner 
  • matches/lighter 
  • safety glasses 


  1. Get your equipment 
  2. Wear safety glasses 
  3. connect the hose/tubing to the gas tap 
  4. turn the collar to close the air hole 
  5. light the matches/lighter and hold it over the barrel 
  6. turn the gas on. 
  7. turn the collar to open the air hole. 
  8. when your finished turn off the gas 
  9. Make sure your arms aren't tangled up when you turn things on, you will get burnt. 

Thank you for viewing this blog have a good day or night bye <3

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Kate Sheppard

Hello everyone today in Hurumanu 1 we were learning about Kate Sheppard and doing some activities on her! 

here is my work:

Kate Sheppard 

Where was Kate Sheppard born? - She was born in Liverpool (a city in England) in 1847.

Why do you think Kate Sheppard was placed on the New Zealand 10$ note? - She led the Women’s Rights Petition and made women have the right to vote. 

What does WCTU stand for?

  1. Women’s Chess Team United 

  1. Women’s Champion Tennis Union 

  1. Women’s Christian Temperance Union 

  1. Wellington Cheese Tasting Union 

What are three actions Kate Sheppard took in her quest for women to have the right to vote? - Kate Sheppard travelled all around New Zealand, while writing newspaper articles and also hosting meetings with members of the parliament. 

Kate Sheppard was born in 1847. 



Australia was the first country to let women vote 



Nearly 32,000 signatures were collected in Kate’s petition. 



Kate Sheppard’s image is on the 20$ note.



Summarise the article in your own words:

Kate Sheppard was born in Liverpool, England in 1847 and moved to New Zealand 1868. In 1885 she made a club called The Women’s Christian Temperance Union. She travelled all over NZ and signed petitions, wrote newspapers, and talked to a few members of the parliament. Then in 1893 her club/team collected 32,000 women and men to show how loads of people supported their cause. She finally reached her goal for women to have the right to vote, she went back to England with her husband. 

In the following sentence highlight the nouns and highlight the verbs in another colour

Sheppard travelled all over New Zealand, writing to newspapers, holding public meetings and talking to Members of The Parliament. Women could now vote! New Zealand women were the first in the world to vote. 

Using the word bank below, fill in the gaps to complete these sentences 




Postage stamp

  1. Many men didn't believe women should be able to vote

  1. Kate Sheppard collected 32,000 signatures 

  1. Sheppard featured on a postage stamp and in 1991 her image was placed on the 10$ Note. 

In the following paragraph from the text, circle or use a highlighter to show the key words and or/phrases.

In 1893 Kate Sheppard and her team collected the signatures of nearly 32,000 women and men to show how many people supported for their cause. They also had the support of the prime minister at the time, John Balance. The petition was 270 meters long! 

here is my advertisement to encourage you viewers to sign Kate's petition!

Thank you for reading this, have a good day or night bye! <3