Hello everyone, today in Hurumanu 1 (outstanders) I was working on the reading activities my teacher assigned for us, the story is How to be Normal.
How to be Normal Activities
Who banged into Charley? - Micheala banged into Charley.
“Charleys at… more relaxed”. What is the main message/purpose of this paragraph? How does the author create this mood? What does it teach us about Charley? - it shows that Charley prefers to go inside the library then going outside.
What impression does the author want to give you about Charley? How do you know? - Charley is more of an introvert than an extrovert (she likes to be alone).
Why is Charley angry at Amy? Do you think that she is right to be angry? Why/why not? - Charley didnt have to be mean to Amy, in my point of view i wouldve just said thank you, Amy was just trying to help Charley.
Find a range of words and phrases to show how Charley is feeling throughout the story.
Outcast - getting rejected out of a group
Introvert - prefers to be alone rather than socializing.
Lonely - feeling friendless/alone
Exploring Language
What do these words mean? Find a definition for each one and use it in a sentence.
Screeches - to cry out loud in pain
Apologise - to say sorry about something you regret doing.
Intently - to do something attentively/eagerly
You hear screeches from the house beside you, you decide to knock on their door and see what's happening, the owner opens the door and explains why there was screeching and they apoligise intently.
Write 3 sentences about the story using these words:
There - there was a girl named Charley who didnt wanna go outside and play with others she would get picked on.
Their - The class is opening their books to the page Mr Bennett wrote on the whiteboard.
They’re - When she gets nearer to the classroom, she sees the door’s shut and walks quicker. Now she can see through the windows and they’re all at their desks.
There - Everyone looks at Charley as she makes her way to her desk, she has to weave her way there.
Adjectives in order.
Why do you think we gave you this article to read as a part of Outstanders Hurumanu? Write a paragraph explaining your ideas and giving evidence from the story.
I think the reason why this was one of the articles was because it was a part of the Outstanders hurumanu and the article is kind of relating to not being a bystander but being a Outsander.
Thank you for reading this! have a good day or night ciao!