
Friday, November 5, 2021

Making Sherbet (Science)

I want to know how to make Sherbet. 



  • Citric Acid
  • Raro (Raspberry?) 
  • Baking Soda 
  • Paper
  • Plastic cup
  • wooden Popsicle stick  
  1. First get your equipment.
  2. Pour your Citric Acid, Raro and Baking Powder on the piece of paper separated. 
  3. Get your cup and Popsicle stick and scoop SOME of the ingredients with your stick and taste.
  4. If the flavour isn't right, scoop a little more until your satisfied with the taste. 
  5. Bring home and enjoy.  
it was really sour even if I added a little citric acid. But overall it tasted okay. When I added water to the leftover ingredients it started to fizz up and it got bubbly, some of the fizzed up ingredients got in my open wound and it stung a lot. 


Why did it foam? - when baking soda touches a liquid the gas (carbon dioxide) creates bubbles that are surrounded by the liquid that create foam.  

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