
Thursday, March 11, 2021

Hur3/changing the world - cars and vehicles


Replace the words but keep the meaning - “well, in those days I got a lot of ideas from magazines.” rearranged version: “well, in the old days I got a huge amount of ideas from the magazines my dad or myself bought.” 

How would you feel if YOUR vehicle you made by yourself won an international competition? - I would feel so amazed and proud of myself, winning a competition just makes me so happy! Even if I was 2nd place I would be so proud. 

The introduction information 

  1. Change the title of the story but keep it as the same genre as the book - John Britten’s Journey 

  1. State the genre of the text. Is it a play? Is it an article? - It is kind of like an article, since it’s about a person. 

  1. List the Author/s snd Illostratour/s of the text - It is by Jane Buxton. 

  1. In a paragraph talk about what it is about. - The article is about a man who made a bike and won an international competition with it just with a few tools. He has raced all over the world places like: America and Austrailia. 

Comprehension Questions 

  1. What was the name of the first bike John Britten made at home? - Britten v1000

  1. How long did it take for John Britten to make a go cart? What did he make it out of? - Maybe 3 or 4 months? He used boxes.

  1. What did John Britten have trouble with? He had trouble with reading. 

  1. What type of car did John Britten make when he was 12? He made a go-cart with boxes, nails, and wood. 

The Steam Powered Car 

Replace the words but keep the meaning - “Now that the cost of gas have had increased over the years, and the air has been polluted with exhaust, a steam powered vehicle could be the vehicle of the future. 

Would you buy one? Why/why not? - I wouldnt buy one because I feel like it would need alot of work to make it move and I would’ve just wasted my money and it's basically the same thing as a normal car with gas, it creates pollution. 

What are the pluses and minuses to having a steam powered car? The minuses to having a steam powered car is that the boiler creates pollution. The pluses to having a steam powered is it’s engines are more quiter than a gas car. 

The introduction information 

  1. Change the title of the text - The car that’s powered by steam 

  1. State the genre - its an article 

  1. List the author/s and Illustrator/s of the article - Pat Quinn 

  1. In a paragraph review the article - the article is about a steam powered car and the attributes to the car and how its different from a normal car, they describe how the car works, and how they built it. The article describes the pros and cons of the steam powered car.


How cars changed the world 

Replace the word but keep the meaning - “cars made it easier to transport from place to place to keep in touch with people but they were very high-priced. Only rich people could afford 1. 

The introduction imformation 

  1. Change the title of the text - The impact cars made to our world 

  1. State the genre of the book you're reading - The genre is article. 

  1. List the author/s and illustrator/s of the text your reading - Bronwen Wall 

  1. In a paragraph review the text - the text is about the huge impact cars made on our world and the evolution of the car. The first traffic ticket was given to Nicholas Oates because he was speeding over 6 kilometers and scared some horses along the way. 

Timeline of the car:

thats all bye! 

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