
Wednesday, February 24, 2021

My Hero - Changing The World

 Hello Viewers,

it has been a few weeks of school and we started doing some work in Hurumanu 1. the topic was heroes and we had to pick a someone you looked up to and who you thought was a hero. I picked my Mom because shes done loads of things for me which make her my hero.

She is REALLY independent even when she cannot handle being by herself, she doesn't let people take advantage of her. I love her personality its so bright and fun.

She can be really mature she speaks up even when shes scared and I appreciate it a lot. When she gets in a fight with a co-worker or worker she tries not to make the situation worse and just ignores them.  

She will respect anyone, she opens doors for people, she cares for the elderly and she cares for her family a lot! 

She is really caring she comforts me when i'm sad and makes me comfort food, she hates when her family cries or is in pain. 

That's all for today! have a good day/night stay safe :) 

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