
Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Masks (drama)

 Hello viewers!

Today I will be brainstorming some ideas for making a mask! the bird that I picked is a raven the colours match perfectly with the raven like: navy dark blue, black and silver. 

things I need: 

feathers, maybe pompoms?, paint, cardboard 

the ideas i got for the mask is kinda like a masquerade ball mask, I like the designs they are very fancy and unique. Here are some photos of the masks I like 

heres my mask so far: 

I like the details of it and the shape of the mask it really does look good! 

My Mask ended up breaking so I had to use a different mask but it was still fun! I got to do the sound for the performances and got to perform as well. 

That's all thank you for reading this have a good day or night bye! 


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