
Thursday, October 29, 2020

Communication in space - Communication challenge

Communication is space.. Interesting huh? 

Why Can't anyone hear me in space? - Because the sound can't travel through the vacuum of space. But when your inside a space station you can hear all kinds of things even music. 

Is Radio communication instant why/why not? - Radio communication is instant. Why? because the radio waves go through the Earths atmosphere. 

Communication Challenge

We were using codes from far away we used the hexadecimal code and acted out letters into words 

Ascii table

That's the one we used. This is the actions we did: 

Finish - Wave both hands above your head

Start - Hands pressed together above your head

Continue: wavy

Restart from the top - Big cross on your hand

Repeat - Clapping

0 - Skipping 

1 - Both hand up

2 - Left hand up

3 - Right hand up

4 - 1 star jump (Do it properly) 

5 - Spin 360 degrees

6 - Left hand up, right hand side

7 - Right hand up, left hand side.

8 - Two hands making a big heart above your head.

9 - Hit the woah

A - Floss

B - 2 Peace sign

C - Both hands on the right side

D - Both hand on the left side

E - Crouch

F - Both hands on hips

Rheanne and Shontai went to the other side of the field and they had to guess what letters we were acting out the words we were acting out were In Latin Science Means Knowledge.

That's all for today. have a good day or night bye!! :)

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