
Monday, February 17, 2020

Maths (hur5)


for shot put we did it with knees and one knee up, i dont know why but with discus i got low scores but we will talk about that later


Cate- i had 8 meters 

Lita- had 6 meters

Shontai- 9 meters 

knee up:

Cate- i had 8 meters again

Lita- had 7 meters, one more than last time 

Shontai- had 9 meters again 



i don't know why but i felt really weak on this one :p 
maybe the Discus was heavier than the shot put or the width made me go in a shorter distance 

Discus on knees: 

Cate- i had 5.1 meters  - _ -

Jhrnylle- had 5 meters 

Rheane- had to meters it landed in front of her  

Lhysette- 9.6 meters

Jaren- 9.5 meters

Discus standing

Cate- i had 6.1 meter, i don't know why ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Jhrnylle- had 10.3 meters!

Rheane- had 16.2 meters WOW!!

Lhysette- had 11 meters!

Jaren- had 16.1 meters! WOW


me and my friends number of steps!

the seconds taken!

Rheane had the slowest time but she had the most steps!

                                                            the pictures of my graphs!

shot put with knees

shot put with one knee up!
Lita got a meter further with one one knee up!

this is Discus on knees!

discus standing up!
i made a mistake with making the graph i tried to use a shortcut, i didn't do it properly i only put the meters up, i have learned my lesson i shouldn't use shortcuts for learning even though it will take long!


thank you reader for making it all this way to the end! have a lovely day or night cya later to my next blog!! ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)


  1. Hello Cate,

    It's really great seeing you posting some blog post even though you didn't do blog last year at your school.

    I really like how you put a capital (Big) letter at the start of somebody's name. Also don't forget : If it's a new sentence don't forget to use capital letter at the start of a sentence and also use capital letters after a full stop.

    I really liked reading your post, and I hope you blog more!
    Have a great year at Hornby High School!

  2. thanks!, i have trouble using capitals and full dots, i also had trouble with taking pictures of my work because i was at home -_-.
