
Tuesday, February 25, 2020

How to make a simple google spreadsheet \ My work!


today i'm going to show you how to make a google spreadsheet, at the end i will show you my work!!

1st. click on on google sheets and make your graph
here's the link!

the spreadsheet will look like this:

2nd: Put your information in it, Remember to use capitals and full dots! 

for example when your making a graph about pets it will look like this:

3rd. make it into graph or a pie chart, etc.
if u don't know how, look on your right of your screen and you will see this button: 

4th. choose what graph you want

this is an example of how many people like pets on this pie chart: 

5th. screen shot it if you want, if your on chromebook this is how to screen shot your graph:

1. press control shift then the button on the top of your keyboard:

Remember to press and hold them!

6th. when it is done it will probably look like this:

here is one more example (my work):

Long jump

Jhrnylle's graph:

my one:

Rheane's graph:


Thank you for reading! i hope you learned something for this blog! have a great day/night!
see you in my next blog byeeeeee!


  1. good job but i think you should show all the step but when you did it i can see it way better so if you like it then you can keep it then you do you

    1. Thanks, i should've used google slides so it will be easier, but thank you for the tips!

  2. Hi Cate!

    It's me Jhrnylle here. I really like how to the way you put a image in your blog, it really shows that you work hard. And it helps reader to understand more. I also like the way you explain what you are doing in the first paragraph.

    I think you should work on putting capital letters for the letter "I" and the start of the sentence. You could also work on putting punctuation in the right place.

    Who has the longest jump?

    It was really nice seeing your blog. And yes I did, I learned something new today!

    I hope you reply to my question. Have a great day, bye!


    1. Thank you!, I really did work hard in it, i bet you will do as good as me!
