
Thursday, December 9, 2021

Making Honeycomb/dalgona


I want to find out how to make honeycomb. 


Funny Hokey Pokey Video 

How to make Hokey Pokey/Honeycomb  

 Squid Game Version


  • Sugar 5 tsp 
  • Syrup 2 tsp
  • a pinch of baking soda 
  • Bunsen Burner equipment 
  • Spatula 
  • Baking paper 
  1. Get your equipment.
  2. Wash your hands.
  3. Add the sugar and syrup to your pot.
  4. Set up your Bunsen Burner.
  5. use a blue flame to melt then boil the sugar. 
  6. turn off the gas.
  7. Add a pinch of baking soda then mix with a spatula. 
  8. tip the honeycomb on the baking paper. 
  9. Clean up your mess/equipment. 

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Making Ginger Beer

I want to find out how to brew ginger beer.



  • Plastic cup
  • Marker 
  • Powdered ginger 
  • Water
  • Sugar
  • Spoon
  • Lemon juice
  • Yeast

  1. Get your equipment.
  2. Write your name with a marker on the plastic cup.
  3. Put half a teaspoon of powdered ginger in the cup. 
  4. Pour half a cup of water inside the cup.
  5. Add one tablespoon of sugar into the cup. 
  6. if all of the sugar is at the bottom of your cup, start mixing your mixture with a spoon. 
  7. Add 5 drops of lemon juice into the cup. 
  8. Taste your mixture. If it tastes a bit weird adjust the flavour by adding other ingredients. 
  9. add one quarter of a teaspoon of yeast. 
  10. let it brew for 1 week. 


After 5 days we tried our "ginger beer" mine smelled like puke mixed in with yeast, I didn't taste mine because I didn't know what it would do to me. 


What is Fermentation 
Yeast is a living thing, it eats glucose, breathes out CO2 and excretes Alcohol. This process is called Respiration. 

What is the best condition for brewing? 
The best condition for brewing alcohol is in a warm temperature. 

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Healthy Diet.

 Hello everyone! 

In Health we've been learning how to eat healthy and how to look out for our bodies during puberty. 

Rheanne and I worked on a slide on a healthy menu for a week and we added some healthy meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. My favourite meal on the menu would probably the smoothie bowl because it had a lot of healthy stuff and fruits as well. 

Protein, Carbs, Vegetables, fruits, grains, dairy, fat, etc. are very important for every meal in order to become healthy. 

Here is my work: 

Thank you for viewing my blog! Have a nice day/night ciao. 

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Myths and Legends Activities

Hello everyone, 

Today I have finished off some of my reading work based off Maori Myths and Legends. The work i'm most proud of is this activity that lets you invent a machine that could help Maui pull the sun. 

My work: 

We had to make up an invention to help Maui and his brothers pull the sun, in the poster/picture it tells you how it works and the mechanics of it. 

I liked the layout of the machine I invented but I should have drew it on paper to add more details and describe the machine more. 

Thank you for reading, Have a nice day/night ciao! 

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Maori Myths and Legends - Hur1

 Hello everyone. 

In Hurumanu 1/reading I have been working on some slides about the Maori legend "How Maui Slowed the Sun". We had to read the story and answer the questions in full sentences. 

Here is my work so far: 



Thank you for viewing my blog! have a nice day/night ciao. 


Friday, November 5, 2021

Making Sherbet (Science)

I want to know how to make Sherbet. 



  • Citric Acid
  • Raro (Raspberry?) 
  • Baking Soda 
  • Paper
  • Plastic cup
  • wooden Popsicle stick  
  1. First get your equipment.
  2. Pour your Citric Acid, Raro and Baking Powder on the piece of paper separated. 
  3. Get your cup and Popsicle stick and scoop SOME of the ingredients with your stick and taste.
  4. If the flavour isn't right, scoop a little more until your satisfied with the taste. 
  5. Bring home and enjoy.  
it was really sour even if I added a little citric acid. But overall it tasted okay. When I added water to the leftover ingredients it started to fizz up and it got bubbly, some of the fizzed up ingredients got in my open wound and it stung a lot. 


Why did it foam? - when baking soda touches a liquid the gas (carbon dioxide) creates bubbles that are surrounded by the liquid that create foam.  

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Blind Taste testing


I want to find out if food tastes differently when you cant see or cant smell. 


Blind Taste and smell (science) 

Funny eating 

Science of taste. 


  • Blind fold
  • Mystery food
  1. Get your equipment. 
  2. wash your hands.
  3. Put your blindfold on.
  4. Take your hand out and pinch/cover your nose.
  5. Once the food is placed on your hand, eat your food and guess what it is. 
  6. Release your food and taste the food. 
  7. Where the does the food react on your tongue.