
Friday, May 1, 2020

Writing! ( Call Of Angels )


My topic: Adventure/Action 

Call Of Angels

Queen Maybelle: EZRA, CASPER, ASTRID Ezra: what is it?
Queen Maybelle: you are all going back to earth. No excuses you are just going. Casper: Wait.. why though?? Astrid: is it because you want to meet Sebastian again?! He wanted to kill you he didn't even have a reason IS THAT WHY?! Queen Maybelle: he was so nice i can’t.. But that's not it 

My Daughter has something i have left behind but these guys.. They keep knocking on her door i'm worried…  Astrid: we can save your daughter right guys? Ezra: Yea! { they enter a room with a portal in the middle of it } Queen Maybelle: Are you guys ready? All: YES! Queen Maybelle: its very dangerous out there good luck! { they all teleport into a house } Casper: This place looks very familiar.. Its Queen Maybelle's old house!!
Ezra: So that means her daughter is here somewhere! we just need to find her! Molly: Hello People! :3 Astrid: this is Molly Maybelle's daughter. Casper: Did Queen Maybelle tell you? KNOCK KNOCK! Astrid: Quick Molly come hide! Molly: Wha- Unknown: WHERE ARE YOU, HAH I KNOW YOU ARE HIDING Ezra: shh.. Unknown: They probably went outside in the garden lets check out there..
Casper: Quick go outside! Astrid: into the Alley way! Unknown: Ugh i cant find her... Unknown 2: Boss why do we need her anyways? Unknown 3: You don't remember?! he literally shouted at you to make you understand and you still don't! Unknown 4: i will just tell him, uh so you know Sebastian? his wife died because of him but about his wife, ... she has a necklace that she gave to her daughter and 
her daughter Molly she is the only way to unleash its powers of becoming the ruler of the world.. since her mother is an angel that means it will work no matter what, but another way of opening the necklace is to capture a angel that is 16 years old. Ezra ( whispers ) : i-i'm sixteen years old! Astrid ( whispers ) : Don't worry i'm here for you.. Molly: AND MEE!! Unknown 5: WHO IS THAT?! Unknown: THERE GET THEM { Molly trips } Ezra: MOLLY! { Ezra uses her powers to defend them } Ezra: GO WITHOUT ME 
{ The next day} Casper: WHERE IS MY SISTER?! Astrid: THEY TOOK HER Unknown: WHERE IS THE NECKLACE, tell me right now or i will push the button... Ezra: GO THEN.. { He pushes the button, wings come out of Ezra's back, she fly's towards a window and breaks it, They all start following her Unknown 2: QUICK GET HER { they run, but they all fall into a whole } Unknown 3: NOOOO Casper: IN YO FACE HAHAHHA { Back in heaven } Queen Maybelle: Good Job! .. Molly: MOM!! Queen Maybelle: How did you get here did you d-die?! Molly: No! your friends let me go here to meet you, you are very beautiful! 
Queen Maybelle: Thank you! { a dark shadow appears beside Ezra she gets sucked in } Astrid: EZRA! 
To Be Continued..

My planning!

1 comment:

  1. next time can you please make your writing bigger?

    that all but i dont love it cant wait to see more
