
Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Bouncy egg experiment!

Bouncy egg experiment!

Have you ever wondered, can eggs bounce?
well if you have they do!

i will be showing you how to make a bouncy egg!

things you will need to make it:
  • Vinegar
  • water
  • a cup or a bowl
  • eggs
  1. put the egg in a bowl or a cup
  2. cover it with vinegar 
  3. leave it over night
  4. you will see some weird residue on the egg so all you have to do to make it go away i wash it with water
  5. and there ya go! :)
How does it become bouncy and squishy?

well, the shell of the egg is made out of calcium carbonate. Once the egg is in the vinegar it will start to bubble which is the reaction of the acid in the vinegar creating carbon dioxide.

Thank you for reading this have a great day and keep learning! :)


  1. I like how you clearly listed the equipment and instructions. You did a good job at explaining the experiment. Did you try it?

    1. Sadly i'm not allowed to make it :(
