
Friday, July 9, 2021

Mentos And Coke


I want to find out what happens when you drop mentos into coke. 


Normal Video:


Bigger version of the experiment




  • Coke No Sugar 
  • Sprite 
  • Mint Mentos 
  • Detergent 
  • Beakers
  • Safety Glasses 
  • Measuring Cylinders 


  1. Get your equipment 
  2. Put on your safety glasses 
  3. pour 30 mls of coke into a measuring cylinder 
  4. measure 10 mls of detergent into a mine measuring cylinder 
  5. drop a a mentos into the detergent and coke 
  6. Repeat it again with the no sugr coke and sprite. 
  7. record, observe, watch what happens. 


CokeCoke-No SugarSprite
Height of Bubble45mL69mL50mL

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Skittle Colours

 Hello everyone, today in science we are doing a experiment with skittles and water! 

Aim: I want to find out what happens when you put skittles in water 



  • 8x Skittles 
  • Warm water 
  • Petri dish 
  • beaker
  • paper towel 
  1. Get your equipment
  2. take your 8 skittles and place them in a circle in your Petri dish (spread the skittles out)
  3. clean your beaker 
  4. put water in your clean beaker then pour the warm water gently in the middle of your Petri dish halfway.
  5.  Observe what happens. 


What happened:
I poured the warm water onto the dish, I watched the skittles the bottom started to fade and slowly moved into the middle of the Petri dish. the colours did NOT mix. 

Thank you for reading this I hope you have a good day or night ciao! <3 

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Shaping up (hurumanu 3)

 Hello everyone, It is almost the end of term 2 and our class has to make a summary of Shaping Up (Hur3).

This term for Hurumanu 3 we have been doing lots of things including: geometry, polygons, lines, angles, rotation, reflection, rotation, nets, scales and maps!

Lines and Angles 

We had to identify the different types of lines and angles and the names of them, for example one of the lines were called parallel lines which were 2 lines with the same length and angle and have the same distance apart.

Reflection, Rotation and Translation 

 on this one we had to do a couple of activities, for reflection we had to go on this site called Maths is Fun and learn what reflection was then once we read all of the information from the site there was 10 question about reflection we had to answer then we had to draw reflected shapes. After completing all of the activities on reflection we had to carry on with the other ones: Rotation and Translation (they were the same as the reflection activities). 

My favourite one was Maps! we had to learn where things were on a grid and find out what was the name and many more things. Term 2 was by far the best term so far! (even though it went by so fast) 

Thank you for reading this have a good day or night goodbye <3

Friday, July 2, 2021

Milk Plastic

Hello everyone, today in science we are trying to make milk plastic!

Aim: I want to find out how to turn milk into plastic.

Science Buddies - Turn Milk Into Plastic



  • Milk 
  • pot or a microwavable container 
  • white vinegar
  • paper towels 
  • Beakers 200ml 
  • spoon 
  • Mug
  • Bunsen Burner 
  • stirring rod 
  • filter 
  • funnel
  • heat mat
  • gauze mat
  • tripod 
  • measuring cylinder 
  1. pour 200 mls of water into the beaker 
  2. add milk powder into the beaker
  3. Heat the milk over the Bunsen burner until its hot (remember to close the air hole) 
  4. Add 20 mls of white vinegar into the measuring cylinder 
  5. pour the vinegar onto the hot milk 
  6. stir the mixture with a stirring rod 
  7. Stack 4 layers of paper towels on a dry surface. 
  8. use the funnel and another paper towel to filter the curds
  9. fold the paper towels over the curds to squeeze out the excess liquid. 
  10. kneed the curds together to form a ball. 
  11. decorate, colour, shape the dough as you like.